Maggie Metnick

Actor, Writer, (Very) Loud Laugher

Maggie’s devotion to her craft is infectious, and on the other end of her distinct process sits work that is equal parts provocative, hilarious, unapologetic, and newfangled. Her work has made me look deep within myself, oftentimes yielding an intense emotional and metaphysical response. As a filmmaker, I jump at even the first hint of an opportunity I have to collaborate with Maggie, and I genuinely believe that any individual who has the chance to work with her, learn from her, or even spend an afternoon with her will emerge all the better.”

— Justin Giegerich, Director

About Me

“A human emotional support dog”

Whether it’s as an actor, writer, producer, or educator, I’m all about using humor alongside (sometimes brutal) self reflection to tell stories and empower others to pursue their passions.

My experience as a queer and neurodivergent actor informs all of my work and my main tenants are nuance, empathy, and bravery.